Back home

I was so good today! Flight to Stckholm was a piece of cake! Then mamma put me in the babybjörn and took all the luggage on a trolley all the way to the international terminal where we checked in and got to our gate with tonnes of time. Mamma likes to be superorganised and have plenty of time which is great because it means I can have a snack if I want to (which I usually do)! The flight to London was also pretty smooth, I was awake most of the time and smiled at my fellow passengers who were talking with me! Talking is currently one of my favourite things and I think I am pretty good at it too! At heathrow daddy met us! Yay! I am very happy to be with him again, and the dogs are cool too! When I get some more time I will tell you more about our Sweden trip. I am sad to have left everyone there but hope they are coming to visit me in London very soon. The dogs both smell lovely tonight after they had a bath after me! Now I am having my bottle then I will sleep all night until I hopefully see my godmummy Yma in the morning and then Nana at lunch! Hasta la vista baby as they say! Good nite won't let the bed bugs bite! Xoxo

London here I come...

Just woke up from a powernap, it's soon time for my camomile water (thanks to Nana who kindly brought it from Spain - gracias!) then I will probably watch Swedish Idol before having my bottle and then off to bed for the night. Luckily I was successful in the nappydepartment today because my tummy has been bothering me for the last few days and mamma was worried about me doing something on the flight tomorrow. We are leaving Gotland tomorrow morning and will fly back home to London where Daddy and the dogs (Pimms & Cody) are waiting for us. I am sad to leave Gotland and will miss everyone loads, but I am missing Daddy and the dogs. I am also looking forward to catch up with my cousin Harry who I haven´t seen for ages, auntie Vicky sent an email today and Harry is now same size as me even if he is 8 weeks younger than me, he must enjoy food as much as I do!

On Monday I start Stage 2 of babyswim. I will probably not be able to write here until after that so until then...lots of love to you all reading this!



Reading my Monkey book

Friday's outfit

Today I'm wearing this:

Top: Lindex (gift)
Trousers: Green khakis with bow pocket details from Monsoon (gift)
Socks: White Lindex



This is me and my dad
This is me and my dad!


Snoozing waiting for my last feed then I should be ready to face a new day by about 8ish tomorrow morning.

Today's outfit

Today I'm wearing this:

Pink body from H&M
Skinny jeans from H&M
White socks
Outside: Pink uggs

(Thank you auntie Sara for holding me)


Harriet - this is my life!

Here I am


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