Morfar (granddad) – my special guardian angel

As you are aware I went to Sweden recently, my mum is born in Visby, Gotland and grew up there. She came to London when she was 19 and met my dad about a year later, dad kept her here in London but she likes to go back once in a while to see family and I like it there very much. I understand the language (mamma talks Swedish to me) and I have lots of family there too that spoil and look after me, I will tell you more about my mormor/stepmormor, aunties, great grandma, and other family members sometime soon. I am also very lucky to have loads of cousins, aunties, uncles, Nana and granddad on my dads side too and I promise to let you know more about them all soon also (some of them live in Spain and speaks Spanish as well as English!).

Sadly this trip to Sweden was not for fun as my morfar past away on 14th October and we went to see my stepmormor and all my aunties and to say our farewell to morfar. Mammas dad was a very special man, she has promised me to keep his memory alive by telling me stories about him when I grow up. I was very lucky to have met him before he sadly left us; this was when we went to Sweden when I was about 6 weeks old, at the end of August earlier this year. I was cuddling with him and even have some photographs of us that I will treasure forever. Mamma was very sad when he died but she now thinks he is in a nice place looking over us, probably playing lots of golf and drinking single malt with his brother and father.

My morfar was a musician and played the trumpet, mamma and her sisters where always surrounded by lots of music in the house when she grew up. He was sometimes a bit forgetful and once left mamma when she was little at the local grocery store. Mamma says that my morfar was the nicest person in the world and she loved him very much. I am looking forward to hearing more stories about him. My aunt Andy sent mamma an email suggesting that he is now my very special guardian angel and I would like to think he is, and if I listen carefully I can hear him play his trumpet for me as I go to sleep every night.

Happy Birthday Yma!

I hope you like the present!

OMG! I rolled over!

So exciting! Today I rolled over! I was on my back playing away with Mr Parrot in my babygym when i suddenly saw my monkey book, and before you know it I was on my front! I am totally amazed by this new discovery and can't stop myself rolling about. Although I still love holding my feet with my hands when I am on my back so I will continue doing this trick when I am chillaxing on my back. Until next time Comrades ROCK n'ROLL!!!

Fireworks/birthday Party outfit

I finally settled for this autumn dress that Yma, my godmummy got me, I think it was suitable for the theme, what do you think?

Dress: BabyGap
Tights: Ahlens ('frillpants'!)

Thank you Jenny and John for a great party and for letting me sleep on your bed!

Today's lunch outfit

Today we went for lunch at Wagamama's in Wimbledon with mammas friend Danielle and her son James. I was on my best behaviour and mamma even got some window shopping in whilst I slept. It was lovely to catch up with James and I hope I will see him and his mummy and daddy very soon! James is almost a year older than me and lovely, I hope we will be good friends one day.

This is what I wore today:

White top (to charm daddy): Gap
Skinny Jeans: H&M (my favourites at the moment, I always get so many compliments wearing them so why not!)
Socks: Lindex
Not in picture: Beige Ugg boots

Btw, have been thinking about what I am going to wear at tomorrows fireworks/birthday party, not sure if its a skinny jeans type party or if I need to get one of my dresses out....can't decide! Stella McCartney has created a nice collection for BabyGap with some nice dresses, but they only had big girls sizes in the Gap we went to, buhu!

two days old

I was only two days old in this picture. As I only started the blog recently I will upload some 'old' photos here once in a while.

Back in business....for now...

So finally mamma bought a new internet adapter (she really wants a new laptop but I think she is hoping Santa will come with one). I can’t believe it’s nearly end of week, the weekend is tomorrow which is great because it means daddy will be with me for two whole days!

On Monday I went swimming and to be completely honest I wasn’t to keen on it, not that I was crying or anything but it was a while ago and I felt like I had forgotten some of the stuff already. But I went underwater a few times and we sang some songs and splashed about, what I liked most about the swimming was catching up with my friends who I haven’t seen in ages. William and Sophie have grown lots too. In the afternoon Nana, Vicky and Harry came, that was great fun. I had a good look at Harry and even played with his hair a bit, he didn’t seem to mind. The next day they went to Spain to meet the rest of the family, I am a bit jealous about this and hope that we will go there very soon; apparently I have seven cousins there! I can’t wait to meet them at Christmas when they will all be over.

On Tuesday we relaxed most of the day and took the dogs out for a long walk and went to the supermarket. My god mummy Yma came for dinner and some cuddles which was nice.

Wednesday was great because daddy stayed at home with us. We went to the woods so the dogs could chase squirrels and rabbits, we were there for ages and I didn’t mind, I actually quite like it, the air is so refreshing and I had a good snooze. Cody went swimming after sticks and Pimms did her usual barking at most things…

Today we went to visit Kirsty and Henry for lunch. It was a lot of fun watching Henry play with this toys, he is three months older than me and sits up all by himself (looked a bit complicated…) and he has two front teeth! I wonder when I will get mine. He also eats proper food, basically he seems all grown up and it’s nice to see what I have coming! Mamma had a lovely lunch that Kirsty had made and I had a snooze on Ifor (Henry’s dad and my daddys best friend) and Kirsty’s bed. Then we went home and took the dogs out before daddy got home.  

On Saturday we are going to a party, it’s my god mummy Yma’s birthday! And there will be lots of fireworks. I am not sure how long I will stay and what I will be wearing so I will think about this some more tomorrow.

I am not sure what else mamma and daddy got in store for the weekend but I hope it will be fun!

Ciao for now!

PS. I will be better at updating this blog going forward now when I have proper internet! Yay!

Internet and other amazing things

I had hoped to write quite a lot today to tell you about my great day but internet adapter has failed is today, so the only one working stationary pc we have from circa 1859 doesn't connect...buhu! In short (I will write more asap!) my day started with a swim. It was great meeting my friends William and Sophie! Then nana, auntie Vicky and Harry came! He is now same size as me and very cute! We will have so much fun together! I had a great little inspection of him and we held hands as he smiled at me, we both know how much trouble we will be getting into...! Yay I can't wait! I have been thinking about sharing some of my knowledhe with you all and have decided that I will make a blogg feature of it, basically it will be tips on how you as a baby can maximise your service provided by your parents, I hope you will find this helpful. As I come up with my techniques I will let you know. For examples when bored in bed scream as much as you can until someone pics you up then demand only the best swinging (mamma gets a great leg workout at the same time so you are really doing them a favour) cuddling until you fall asleep happy and satisfied. I will write more as soon as I can! Ciao for now! Xoxo


Oh sweet Sunday! Mamma got me at 6am, had a feed then got to snooze with mamma and daddy until 11 - sweet! Weather (rainy and stormy autumn weather) not worth getting up for anyway! The dogs weren't even interested in going outside in the garden and that is saying something (squirrels having a good old party on the fence!)!

My god mummy Yma came to visit - great! Haven’t seen her for ages! Then Nana came - brilliant! I've been cuddling most of the day (got proper spoilt in Sweden!), then chatted with daddy on the sofa for a bit whilst he watched the grand prix. Mamma and Yma took the dogs to the common whilst I stayed at home with Nana and Daddy.

Giggling...where shall I start. Mamma and Daddy read somewhere that I should start doing this about they are pulling funny faces and making weird noices...someone please tell them to do something worth giggling about.

Not much more to report from today...oh yes maybe...I CONFESS...after being so good all day I decided to have a good old reason really, just thought they better not get used to me being all sweet and cuddly all the time, I need to take the time once in a while to show them who's boss you know. I was a bit tired and might have hammered it up a bit (saying this I do not recommend excessive crying as it knackers you out!) until I exhausted myself, but it was worth it! Now I must get my beauty sleep before swimming in the morning. Can't wait to catch up with my mates William and Sophie.

love you all!

Back home

I was so good today! Flight to Stckholm was a piece of cake! Then mamma put me in the babybjörn and took all the luggage on a trolley all the way to the international terminal where we checked in and got to our gate with tonnes of time. Mamma likes to be superorganised and have plenty of time which is great because it means I can have a snack if I want to (which I usually do)! The flight to London was also pretty smooth, I was awake most of the time and smiled at my fellow passengers who were talking with me! Talking is currently one of my favourite things and I think I am pretty good at it too! At heathrow daddy met us! Yay! I am very happy to be with him again, and the dogs are cool too! When I get some more time I will tell you more about our Sweden trip. I am sad to have left everyone there but hope they are coming to visit me in London very soon. The dogs both smell lovely tonight after they had a bath after me! Now I am having my bottle then I will sleep all night until I hopefully see my godmummy Yma in the morning and then Nana at lunch! Hasta la vista baby as they say! Good nite won't let the bed bugs bite! Xoxo

London here I come...

Just woke up from a powernap, it's soon time for my camomile water (thanks to Nana who kindly brought it from Spain - gracias!) then I will probably watch Swedish Idol before having my bottle and then off to bed for the night. Luckily I was successful in the nappydepartment today because my tummy has been bothering me for the last few days and mamma was worried about me doing something on the flight tomorrow. We are leaving Gotland tomorrow morning and will fly back home to London where Daddy and the dogs (Pimms & Cody) are waiting for us. I am sad to leave Gotland and will miss everyone loads, but I am missing Daddy and the dogs. I am also looking forward to catch up with my cousin Harry who I haven´t seen for ages, auntie Vicky sent an email today and Harry is now same size as me even if he is 8 weeks younger than me, he must enjoy food as much as I do!

On Monday I start Stage 2 of babyswim. I will probably not be able to write here until after that so until then...lots of love to you all reading this!



Reading my Monkey book

Friday's outfit

Today I'm wearing this:

Top: Lindex (gift)
Trousers: Green khakis with bow pocket details from Monsoon (gift)
Socks: White Lindex



This is me and my dad
This is me and my dad!


Snoozing waiting for my last feed then I should be ready to face a new day by about 8ish tomorrow morning.

Today's outfit

Today I'm wearing this:

Pink body from H&M
Skinny jeans from H&M
White socks
Outside: Pink uggs

(Thank you auntie Sara for holding me)


Harriet - this is my life!

Here I am


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