Ciao ciao

Yesterday our Italian friends left us to go back to Italy. We had lots of fun with them here, although they were out sightseeing a lot I got to see them in the evenings and got lots of cuddles.


Mamma and I went swimming on Monday, went under water a few times and didn’t fancy it much but was ok, didn’t cry or anything. After the Christmas break we will probably not go swimming for a while, mamma says I might enjoy it more when spring comes and I am a bit bigger. After swimming we took Pimms & Cody out for walks in the woods and same again yesterday, we are about to go out this afternoon with them again after I have had my nap. I didn’t get a chance to have my morning nap as I had a lot of fun catching up with my friends William and Henry this morning when mamma was drinking coffee and chatting to their mums.

My pram wheel has punctured so mamma is on the hunt for a repair kit to fix it this evening, hopefully daddy will buy one for her today. I might go in the Baby Bjorn this afternoon. Marge is fantastic as always she always takes us to the woods and waits for us patiently in the car park; she is a bit muddy now after a few weeks of use so mamma might need to clean her this weekend. Luckily for Pimms we haven’t bumped into any more horses this week! Cody has been swimming every day in the small lake; he loves fetching the stick and can do it all day if we allowed him.


Today is Francesca’s birthday – Happy Birthday!


Grazie Simone and Francesca’s parents for the lovely presents!

the Italian job...

Finally I got to meet mamma and daddy's Italian friends! Simone and Francesca arrived yesterday, with them also came Marianna (Francesca's sister) and Alessio and Sylvia (their friends). So I had lots of cuddles with them last night and this morning we went to Northcote road to pick up their wedding present and to have coffee (espresso of course!). They are now all off sightseeing around London and mamma, daddy and I will take the dogs out for a nice long walk because the weather is beautiful and Cody and Pimms wants to chase squirrels. Tonight I will see my Italian friends again - I can't wait!

Arrivederci for now my friends!

here is me and Simone last night:

Oh what's occuring?

It’s now two days since Clara left us and I miss her, I hope she will come back to visit soon again.


I don’t want to jinx anything by writing about it here on the blog but I can't help myself…I am so good (I know I keep going on about it but I really am!). I am going to sleep every night at 7:30/8pm after my flavoured water and leave mamma and daddy to have their dinner in peace. One of their favourite programs on tv has returned for a third series; 'Gavin & Stacey' so they are so happy that I am the sweetest baby around sleeping every night. TIDY!


Yesterday we went to fulham to see mammas work friend Meghna and her son Marcus after taking the dogs out in the common.

Today mamma and I (and Marge of course who took us there) took Pimms and Cody to the Wimbledon common so that they could chase some squirrels and rabbits (obviously they didn’t catch any). It was lovely weather today, 3 degrees and clear-blue skies! great! Pimms is quite a small dog and mostly very scared of just about everything…except for horses…she goes mental! So you can imagine how cross mamma got with her when she wouldn’t come back to us after chasing a horse (we are always on the lookout for horses so we can put both Pimms and Cody on the lead but we missed this one today). Luckily for Pimms the horse was very calm and decided to ignore her. Mamma says next time she might not be so lucky and the horse will probably have her for dinner. Cody went swimming today, he is a little bigger than Pimms and a lot braver, and he even likes playing with other dogs that are bigger than him. His favourite thing is swimming and to fetch a stick, mamma (or usually daddy when he is with us) throws a stick far out in the water and Cody swims out to get it, he can do this forever, he is very simpleminded, but lovely! After a long, nearly three hours, walk in the woods we went home and relaxed for the rest of the afternoon. Today is Friday so daddy will be home early and it is the weekend soon which means I get to see him more, although he is working tomorrow for a bit (unless I manage to pin him down again). I hope we will have a great weekend; I can’t wait to cuddle with daddy.


Until next time comrades – keep tidy!



here is Cody swimming today:

My second west end appearance

Today Marge (mammas car) took us into the west end. Clara, mamma and I went into Mayfair, St James Street to be exact. Mamma had lunch with some of her friends from work, I got to say hello to everyone in her office, it was lovely meeting them all again, Tor, Debs, Mitul, Matt, Sarge, Tara and Dan and everyone else (I pretended to be oblivious to their ‘cooing’ over me but I secretly think I charmed them all!).

Whilst mamma had lunch Clara and I went for a nice walk in Green park (see pic below of me snuggling in my pram). Then we went up Regent street to Oxford circus and Top Shop so Clara could do some more shopping (be warned she went mad – again!), mamma and I chilled in a Starbucks nearby then we went to Mamas & Papas feeding room so I could have a snack. Back at mammas work we took Marge home where we relaxed until I had my bath and got dressed in my ‘jammies’ that auntie Sara got me (finally I have grown big enough to wear them – see pic below). Then as usual the flavoured water got me to sleep in no time so now I am only waiting for my 11pm feed which will make me sleep all night until new adventures awaits tomorrow. All in all I have behaved so well today! No crying in Marge, no crying at all come to think of it!

Today’s outfit:
Top: Polarn & Pyret (thanks auntie Sara)
Trousers: my skinny jeans of course!


Auntie Clara is here! we are having so much fun! Yesterday we went shopping for a bit in Wimbledon (Clara got a new nice jacket and skirt).

Today we went swimming, me not likey very much at all...and I even had a bit of a cry as I got in (it was pretty cold!)! Anyhow I am now at home chilling out with Clara and mamma, and we decided to have a photoshoot, you will notice from the pictures that mamma is not as used to the camera as I am, she really doesn't like it, whereas I don't mind at all!

Here is a sneak preview from today's shoot - thanks Clara for taking some great photos with your snazzy professional camera! 

such a daddy's girl...

Saturday! woke up after another great nights sleep, I am really getting the hang of this now and feel so refreshed (mamma not so much) when I wake up! yesterday morning I thought of getting up at 5am but mamma convienced me to go back to sleep. My routine is bath (most nights) then some flavoured water to drift me off to sleep at about 7:30-8pm, then I eat at 11pm (don't usually wake up for it) and sleep to five or six in the morning when I am usually hungry again.

Today we went to northcote road (aka nappy valley) in the morning to get a present for mamma and daddy's friends. Then we went to see cousin Harry to have a coffee and chat (big people had coffee and Harry and I chatted).

On my way home in the car I was so grumpy and decided to cry. Have forgotten to tell you about Marge's (mammas car) is stuck on one volume only (quite loud), so mamma and daddy put on the stereo whilst I was having a good old cry only to realise it put me straight to soothing....and for some reason mamma thinks I am such a daddy's girl...I can highly recommend this song to anyone who has problems sleeping: CHOOOOON!!! big fish, little fish (some dance moves daddy will teach me one day!)

it's Clara time!!!

Great news! Auntie Clara is coming to visit me tomorrow!

This is me relaxing with Clara in August (I was really very small then!). I can't wait for all the cuddles!

NCT Amigos!!!

As promised here is a photo of me and the NCT gang! In age order (from left):

Henry, Maxwell, Nancy, Me!, Sophie, William, Frederick and Isabelle.

My cousin Harry

Woke up early, daddy went off to work (buhu!). Mamma and I went swimming, wasn't too keen but we did something new today which I actually quite enjoyed! The teacher swam with me underwater towards mamma who was sitting waiting for me several meters away underwater! (she could see me coming as she had some funny underwater glasses on…!), I was kicking away which impressed the teacher.

After lunch we went to see Harry my cousin! We had loads of fun on his playmat, auntie Vicky played with me as well. Isn’t he really cool my cousin?! Hopefully we see him again tomorrow.


Harry and I on his playmat:


Oh, another thing, I got a Bumbo seat today! It is really a lot of fun:

see you later my friends! thanks for reading my blog!


Daddy forever

I was such a good girl and slept all night (slept through my 11pm feed). Last night mamma and daddy was watching 'Children in need' gala on BBC, I am not sure why they watch it every year as mamma cries the whole evening (and daddy calling her an emotional mess...). But mamma has promised that she will get me a poster and buya music single and give money to the less fortunate children that needs it which is of course good. You can buy the single (and give money to children in need) that mamma and daddy thinks I will enjoy when I get a little bit bigger which features the Wombles of Wimbledon!:


When I woke up daddy was still in bed! Which means it's the weekend and daddy isn't going to work - yay! But just to be sure I decided to pin him down:

We started the day with a walk in the Wimbledon common so Pimms and Cody could chase some squirrels....again they didn't catch any...they are pretty useless at it to be honest, to be frank I am not sure why we bother.

In the afternoon auntie Michele came which was lovely, I had a cuddle and they had some lunch and daddy and I watched some rugby.

I have just had my bath - nice and clean, now it's bed time so I must dash - until next time my friends KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON!

Oh, this is a new top I got yesterday and wore today:


Mamma and I took he dogs to Wimbledon common this morning. It took Marge only five minutes to get us there! Here are some pics from this morning (click on the photos to enlarge):

Cody & Pimms

Me in my pram - funky tree!

a muddy Cody

This afternoons outfit:
Home knitted jumper - thanks Cajsa!
Jeans from Polarn & Pyret

James and I out on adventures

This morning mamma and I took 'Marge' (mammas car!) to see Danielle and James, usually we walk but we wanted to try Marge out and she didn't disappoint! From Danielle and James’s house (James’s dad Ben lives there too but he is at work like my daddy during the day so I rarely get to see him) we walked (James and I chilling in our prams) to Wimbledon where Danielle and mamma got some window shopping done, then James got hungry so we went to Wagamamas (he is a big boy, over one years old and gets to eat proper food!) where we all had lunch (I am so lucky and don’t have order of the menu!). Then we did some more window shopping and James and I had a snooze before we went back to Danielle and James’s house. There we played and had tones of fun on their sofa.

I have a bit of a runny nose and a little cough so mamma got me some stuff from the chemist which has now worked wonders and I am now fast asleep in my cot at home after a hectic but very fun day out!

Mamma is now on the hunt for some fury pink dice (unless she gets some from daddy for Christmas) that we can pimp Marge with, so when we are done I will take some photos and upload here!

so far so good

Monday swimming wasn't awesome but I sort of enjoyed it. William couldn't make it as he is poorly with a cold (get better quick!), so it was only myself and Sophie from the nct group that splashed about. At the end of the class we got to chill in some really cool blown up rubber turtles - that was great fun!

I was exhausted in the afternoon so just took it easy at home with the dogs after a long walk in the park.

On Tuesday I had my third vaccination (last one until I am one!) ouch! it hurt! But I was brave and only cried for a few seconds afterwards. Then we took Pimms and Cody to the Wandsworth common for a superwalk (superwalks are nearly 3 hours long where a lot of squirrel chasing takes place). I took it easy in the pram and had a couple of naps (Man, is the pram comfy for naps!). 

I had such a good sleep last night! I went to bed at my scheduled bedtime around 7.30pm after a nice bath, slept through the dreamfeed at 11pm (eating and sleeping = NICE!) and all night until 6am where I was all smiley in my cot when mamma picked me up. Then I ate and snoozed until 9ish when mamma woke me up. I think I needed that sleep and I suspect that the vaccination gets me a bit tired (but luckily no other side effects!) as well as all the fresh air. Also I think mamma and daddy are a bit tired of me insisting to stay up with them in the evenings so I thought I do the decent thing and let them have some time on their own, little did I know Yma came around for dinner, had I known that I would obviously had stayed up for a bit.

Today after my marathon sleep we took Pimms and Cody for another superwalk in the Wandsworth common, quite mild weather but VERY windy and a tiny bit of rain. Mamma seems to think that Antartica is only 15 minutes away as she dress me for a polar expedition with buggy stormcover and everything! I had a few snoozes in my lovely pram and enjoyed watching Pimms and Cody chasing squirrels (that is really all they do, except for eating and sleeping...). This afternoon I have been on my playmat and had some rhyme time with mamma, she puts on this karaoke for kids (on the iPod) in Swedish and sing-a-long and dance with me. Daddy seem amazed that I enjoy it as he doesn't like her singing, he mentions something about a cat being strangled but I don't know what that sounds like. I think she is great and that she should audition for X-FACTOR next year!

Tonight mamma and daddy might pick up our new car, who knows, if we decide to 'pimp it' I will definitely show you some picks! Mamma has named her 'Marge', I hope she will take us out on lots of adventures.



Attention all petrolheads

New season of Top Gear has started! If mamma and daddy thought I would stick to the normal 7.30pm bedtime routine they had another thing coming! I decided to watch almost entire episode of Top Gear with daddy then I spent some time blowing rasperries (my favourite thing at the moment - and I am getting pretty good at it too!). Just had my last feed for the night and should be sleeping all night (hehe...!) until swimming with my friends William and Sopie in the morning.

We had a great afternoon (no rain for once!) walking the dogs in the Wimbledon common with Yma and Chris, then we went to see a car that we might buy!

Welcome back Hammond, Clarkson and May! see you next Sunday!

Good night and don't let the bed bugs bite!


You can't always get what you want...

Sweet Sunday, chilling out, daddy is still at home so feeling a bit rock n'roll today! yeah!

(statement above doesn't really apply to me as I get what I want...!)

Still on the hunt for 'Marge' (mammas named her car that) so we are looking at a couple this afternoon.

Today's outfit:

Rolling stones top: H&M
Skinny Jeans: H&M

NCT reunion party

Early start today looking for a car after I slept all night until 8am! Mamma and daddy had fun at the party last night, they were out for a few hours and I didn't miss them at all, had far too much fun with Yma and Chris! Thank you so much for looking after me!!!

After looking at some cars we went to the party at my friend Nancy's house. Her parents Bonamy and Simon had organised a great lunch for all the mums and dads that they all loved! It was great fun to play with all my friends, I borrowed Nancy's Bumbo seat for a bit which I loved and I hope I will get one of my own for christmas!

As I mentioned yesterday we had a group photo shoot planned, and it went really well! Mamma had to wake me for it but I quickly got into it and even smiled, we were all very happy laying on a mat on the floor in age order. I am forth out of eight and there are four boys and four girls in total; Henry, Maxwell, Nancy, Me, Sophie, William, Frederick and Isobelle. I can't wait to show you the photo! I decided to go for my lovely french dress that auntie Anna got me from Paris.

Not sure what we have planned for tonight but as Mamma decided not to watch X-Factor anymore I guess I can't expect that, although I am quite keen to see Jamie Afro perform as he is my favourite! His hair takes up the whole tv screen and it makes me laugh! I hope mamma changes her mind about it and let me watch a bit!

later alligators!


Mamma and daddy are going to a party tonight which means godmummy Yma and Uncle Chris are coming to babysit! I can't wait! It's my dads friend Oliver's 40th birthday party - Happy birthday Olly!

We had a great day out today looking at different cars as we we might buy one for mamma and me. I was very well behaved and charmed everyone with my smile! Mamma even got time to do some shopping, she bought a beautiful bright red lipstick that she is going to wear tonight.

Tomorrow is Saturday and I'll get to meet all my friends again! It's a renunion party for all the NCT mum and dads and the babies that were born in the same week as me - although I have met them all since we were born we have never had a reunion where all the mum and dads are together at once.  I am very much looking forward to this party and will tell you all about it tomorrow.

I have just been told there will be a group photo shoot of us all (babies only of course!) so now I just need to figure out what to wear for that!

Must dash as helping mamma getting ready for the night...!


What happens at night?

Mamma and I had a lovely day yesterday with the dogs (they are still knackered!), we went to the Wandsworth common for about three hours.

Last night daddy came home with great news! He obviously missed me too much and decided that the weekend should start early so he took today as holiday and will stay with me all day - very exciting!

What happens at night? I only started asking myself this question recently and decided to find out last night. Mamma and daddy didn't seem impressed and they look tired this morning (especially mamma). I wasn't screaming or anything just wanting to stay up and see for myself what really goes on, and of course it's fun to roll around a lot and be very smiley. To be honest I am not sure I will need to inspect any further night time activities as there wasn't much at all happening. But we'll see, like I have mentioned in the past sometimes I have to do something unexpected once in a whilte to keep mamma and daddy on their toes. They should under no circumstances take sleeping all night for granted!

Yesterday Grace Anabelle arrived! - Welcome to the world Grace! I can't wait to meet you! Congratulations to Emily and Rob!

Today's outfit:

Top: White with pink dots (Little White Company)
Trousers: Skinny Jeans (H&M)
Tights: TU of Sainsburys (its cold so I have tights under my skinny jeans)

Also please note that I have recently started wearing a bib as I like to make a lot of mess drooling (maybe I have teeth coming?!), I have however asked mamma to take it off for the 'today's outfit' shoot as it doesn't always match my outfit.



Nearly the end of the week again which means daddy will be home with me for two whole days! yippie!

Cousin Harry is back from Spain and I hope I will see him today or tomorrow.

we have no real plans today except for taking the dogs out for a very long walk in the woods, I can't wait!

This is what I am wearing today:

Top: Pippi Longstocking top (home knitted! thanks Cajsa!)
Trousers: Jeans from Lindex

Today's outfit and adventures

Took the dogs out this morning, Cody found the ball he lost yesterday in the park, then he lost the new ball mamma had bought him then lost the old one again...he is so annoying! It’s hard to keep up with him and the balls he keeps loosing…!

In the afternoon Bonamy, mammas friend and her baby Nancy (my friend!) picked us up and we went to meet some of the friends that were born around the same week as me; Sophie (and her mum Jenny), Isobelle and Freddie (twins and their mum Nathalie), Maxwell (his mum Lisa), mamma and her friends drank coffee and had some yummy cookies Lisa had brought back from their trip to South Africa. I had loads of fun chatting away with my friends and showing off my new trick (rolling over!), I think they were all impressed. We will see them all again on Saturday (as well as two further friends that couldn't make it today) at Bonamy's house, I am very much looking forward to that!

One of my tricks to embarrass mamma is to make her sing out loud when we are walking along a busy road. I will be a bit grumpy and only smile when mamma sings songs out loud. This my fellow comrades is very funny so I suggest you try it!

Here is today’s outfit:

Top: Squirrel detailed top from H&M
Trousers: Jeans from Polarn & Pyret (they are still a bit big but I grow so quickly now so thanks auntie Sara I love them!)
Socks: H&M

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